Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well, I'm back and attempting to post this blog before any distractions, such as my cat leaning over half of the keyboard hinting to be petted or that I really need to take my vitamins before bed, can deter me from my goal. Whew! I have been busy lately! Suddenly, I have a life and a very busy social calendar. I don't know, a few months ago I finally accepted that I deserved a life outside of momhood and boom, here it is!

As I've processed(and blogged) before, I was on my way to bitterville as I waited until the proper age of my two kids to be before I would allow myself some selfish moments, such as a new pair of shoes or a couple nights a week of activities. Well, I have now gone beyond being "cured" of my mommy martyrism and my social calendar is filled to the brim with events, activities and hobbies. Actually, I've always relished in being super busy and really, it's kind of my element. But I still have a 6 month old son, a 3 year old daughter and a 33 year old husband to coexist with and WANT to spend time with, so we are all trying to find a balance that works for us.

I recently took some golf lessons that really explained the proper foundations of your grip, swing, stance, etc, which is great for me because my confidence has shot through the roof in that area. And now I'm in this Tuesday night league for women which has me getting home pretty late, just in time to peek into my children's bedrooms as they lay sleeping and tonight, kneel on the floor next to my husband who is already in bed and turning a "goodnight" chit chat into a "goodnight conversation!" We ended up talking about this temporary chaos that we're currently living in, and how we're often tagteaming so the other can get some recharging time. Sometimes we snap at eachother because of lack of sleep or other frustrations and how we're trying to fit about a million things into a single day! I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones out there experiencing this either! Luckily, I felt closer to him after our talk and remembered that we are partners in all this, something we remind eachother of often.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say or if there's a purpose to this post. But I'm here as a mother, trying to balance all of my superhero multitasking skills with my non-mothering interests. And balance is again the goal when I try to fit in my mom duties with my "me time" activities and my "husband time." But most importantly, there's luckily a balance that both my husband and I are striving for in our relationship, which is really the most important one in this family. Because we are the foundation that our entire family is based on and from whom our children will learn the traditions and memories that they will pass onto their families. That's a tall order of responsibility! So anyway, mushy or not, whatever you take from this, we're all maintaining a balance by struggling, reconnecting, recharging, searching for our own identity and searching for the best way to love. And at times, it seems really hard. But if you think about it, it's the best way to realize you're living.

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